Tip for a Game Testing Book

Good Evening!

If you are, for some reason, reading this article is because you may be looking for some information on how to become a Game Tester or maybe looking for more information to develop your work today.

Either way, I found out at Amazon an amazing book that will surely help you develop or learning something about Game Testing.

Book01The authors, Charles P. Schultz, Robert Bryant and Tim Langdell, PHD, are some big masters in what they do and work. Charles is an Operations Manager for Motorola’s Global Software Group and works on software testing and mobile gaming. Robert is currently Studio Director at videogame publisher Crave Entertainment, where he also served as QA Manager and Executive Producer. Tim, a veteran of the game industry, is full-time faculty in the USC Viterbi School of Engineering’s Information Technology Program where he chairs the Game Curriculum Sub-Committee, and teaches game design and game testing.

This is just the start so you can understand how great is this book….

Ok. Authors are good but what will I learn with the book?

Here is your answer. With this book, you will learn about the roles and responsibilities of a game tester, including how to best apply software test engineer methodologies to the game industry. This knowledge can be applied by testers to help create staffing plans and schedule test tasks, as well as generate thorough and effective test cases for games. Topics include how games are made, how testing fits into the production cycle of a game, testing fundamentals, test automation, and how to test different games genres.

The book is also divided into five parts, each consisting of multiple chapters as below.

Part I – “About Game Testing” introduces the reader to game testing in terms of culture, philosophies, and the contribution testing makes to the final game release.

Part II – “Making Games” reveals how an individual contributes to the overall game project. Also includes different kinds of roles and responsibilities that are required of testers through various stages of the development and production of game software.

Part III – “Testing Fundamentals” introduces testing concepts and practices from a formal software engineering approach.

Part IV – “Testing Techniques” is a set of tutorials on different methodologies for producing tests for your game.

Part V – “More Effective Testing” addresses ways to make the most out of your limited time and resources to reach new heights in the quantity and quality of the test you can produce and run.

So, if you want to know more – and also know from where I took the text above – check out the book!

See you around!

Originally posted in 17/01/2014.

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